Our Team

Meet Our Advisor

The Innovators Behind ASIA eLearning Marketplace

With a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the learning and development sector, Donald H. Taylor serves as our esteemed advisor. His expertise and guidance ensure that our strategies are finely tuned to align with the latest trends and best practices, driving the success and innovation of ASIA eLearning Marketplace.

Donald H. Taylor

Meet Our

Founding Team Members

Meet the visionary minds propelling the innovation at Asia Learn Hub Marketplace. Each of our founding team members brings a unique blend of skills, experiences, and perspectives to the table, united by a shared passion for revolutionizing eLearning in Asia. From crafting strategic initiatives to executing seamless operations, our team is committed to driving positive change and shaping the future of education and training across the region.
Kevin Loh
Jaxton Cheah
Sharon Teh
Ee Tyng
Alice Han
Meet Our

Marketplace Team Members

SEA Business Operation
Marketing Operation
Product & Solution Team